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The Cat's Back...

First, I must thank you for the kind and thoughtful comments and emails I’ve received since revealing that Lily had gone walkabout.

I am sure that it must be your collective good wishes and positive energy that has lured her home. Yes. The cat is back.

Last night I had taken up residence in the Cat Shack with Tiger, giving her an evening cuddle. Ella and Zara, my two Springer Spaniels, were lounging on the other side of the baby gate that separates the Cat Shack from the outside world, having become used to what they consider to be my ridiculous behaviour with a cat!

Suddenly Zara jumped up, closely followed by Ella on her wobbly legs, and there was much dancing around the back of our old pickup truck. After a while, they returned, but I noticed they had their eyes firmly fixed on the back of the truck.

I went to investigate. Lying on the ground and wriggling my body in between the tow bar and the suspension, I managed to look inside the spare wheel. There, on top of what looked like a bird’s nest, was a very grubby and rather thin tri-coloured pussy cat. I called her name and Lily swung her brilliant blue eyes in my direction and I smiled, knocking my head on the underside of the truck before extracting myself.

Jubilation and the opening of something delicious partnered glorious celebration - enjoyed by all! Especially Tiger, who is positively prancing around now her friend is back.

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Jul 14, 2022

Lily is a combination of smudge and Stiggy, both wanderers, so lovely when they just waltz back in😘

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